Psalm 10 is one of the few Psalms in this section of the Psalter
that does not have a title. The lack of a descriptive name has
caused some to think that it is not an individual Psalm, but rather
the second half of Psalm 9. Additionally, both psalms form a
single acrostic. At the very least, Psalms 9 and 10 are sister
psalms that go hand-in-hand.
The Psalm is anonymous. Many believe, though, that it should be
attributed to David. Additionally, it clearly fits the description of a
lament psalm, as the writer bemoans the prosperity of the
wicked, and cries out for God to respond.
Psalm 10:1 - Why, O Lord do you stand far away? Why do
you hide yourself in times of trouble?
In this initial verse it seems as if the psalmist is accusing God of
hiding from those who love and need Him. Why does God seem
far away? Why is He no where to be found during times of
trouble. It is almost as if God is playing His own version of Hide-
As a child, Hide-and-Seek was one of my favorite games. My
mom actually created her own special version of the traditional
game that my siblings and I loved. Mom called it “Ghost of
midnight.” It was similar to the well-known game, only we played
it at night in the dark. All the lights were turned off and each of
us would go hide somewhere in the house. Mom, or whoever
was “It,” would then slowly search through the pitch black house
looking for those who were hidden. It was frightening. I still get
chills thinking about it. I can’t wait to play the same game with my
Of course, the Psalmist doesn’t mean to insinuate that God is
literally playing the famous children’s game, but only that it seems
as if God has hidden Himself and we are unable to find Him.
The scandalous accusation goes even further though. Not only
does it look as if God is not present, but is seems as if He is
unable to be found during the most difficult of times. In other
words, He is inactive when we and the world need Him the most.
WOW! That is quite an indictment!
The next few verses give evidence to the Psalmist’s complaint.
10:2 - In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor…
10:3 - The wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the
greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord.
10:4 - In the pride of his face, the wicked does not seek him;
all of his thoughts are, “There is no God.”
There is ample evidence to prove that something needs to be
done. After all, the poor are being mistreated, the wicked are
renouncing the Lord; they are not seeking God and have even
denied His existence. Where is God? He needs to act!
Have you ever felt that way? Has there ever been a time in your
life when you cried out to God and He didn’t respond? You
needed His help, but it seemed as if He was no where to be
found. I think we can all relate with that sentiment. Like the
Psalmist we ask, “God, where are you? What are you doing? Do
you even care?”
Similar to most Lament Psalms, after presenting his complaint,
the Psalmist expresses his hope and his belief in God as his
Rock, Refuge and Rescuer. Notice several verses that move
from fear to faith and from uncertainty to a solid trust that God will
10:12 - Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up your hand; forget not the
The phrase, “Arise, O Lord” is an expression typical of psalms
sung at the beginning of war. The Psalmist is declaring his belief
that they are not alone in their battle. God fights for His people.
Since David is believed to be the author, some have suggested
that the enemy to whom David refers is King Saul. If it would
have been any other foe, David would have quickly and
powerfully acted. Saul, though, was God’s anointed, someone
against whom David did not want to act. Thus, he cried out to the
Lord asking Him to respond.
10:16 - The Lord is king forever and ever; the nations perish
from his land.
10:17, 18 - O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you
will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do
justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who
is of the earth may strike terror no more.
Did you hear the change of tone? The Psalmist is no longer
lamenting. He is no longer questioning. He has come to believe
that God has not avoided him, abandoned him or hiding from him.
God is fully aware of the actions of the wicked and the condition
of the oppressed. In His perfect time, He will respond with love,
justice and equity.
So the next time you feel as if God is playing Hide-and-Seek with
you, remember the words of Psalm 10. Be reminded of the fact
that God is fully aware of the atrocities that are taking place in our
world and the tribulations you are facing in your life. Allow the
words of this Psalm to increase your faith. Don’t question where
God is, rather cry out and ask Him to rise up on your behalf. After
all, He always hears the desires of the afflicted.
that does not have a title. The lack of a descriptive name has
caused some to think that it is not an individual Psalm, but rather
the second half of Psalm 9. Additionally, both psalms form a
single acrostic. At the very least, Psalms 9 and 10 are sister
psalms that go hand-in-hand.
The Psalm is anonymous. Many believe, though, that it should be
attributed to David. Additionally, it clearly fits the description of a
lament psalm, as the writer bemoans the prosperity of the
wicked, and cries out for God to respond.
Psalm 10:1 - Why, O Lord do you stand far away? Why do
you hide yourself in times of trouble?
In this initial verse it seems as if the psalmist is accusing God of
hiding from those who love and need Him. Why does God seem
far away? Why is He no where to be found during times of
trouble. It is almost as if God is playing His own version of Hide-
As a child, Hide-and-Seek was one of my favorite games. My
mom actually created her own special version of the traditional
game that my siblings and I loved. Mom called it “Ghost of
midnight.” It was similar to the well-known game, only we played
it at night in the dark. All the lights were turned off and each of
us would go hide somewhere in the house. Mom, or whoever
was “It,” would then slowly search through the pitch black house
looking for those who were hidden. It was frightening. I still get
chills thinking about it. I can’t wait to play the same game with my
Of course, the Psalmist doesn’t mean to insinuate that God is
literally playing the famous children’s game, but only that it seems
as if God has hidden Himself and we are unable to find Him.
The scandalous accusation goes even further though. Not only
does it look as if God is not present, but is seems as if He is
unable to be found during the most difficult of times. In other
words, He is inactive when we and the world need Him the most.
WOW! That is quite an indictment!
The next few verses give evidence to the Psalmist’s complaint.
10:2 - In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor…
10:3 - The wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the
greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord.
10:4 - In the pride of his face, the wicked does not seek him;
all of his thoughts are, “There is no God.”
There is ample evidence to prove that something needs to be
done. After all, the poor are being mistreated, the wicked are
renouncing the Lord; they are not seeking God and have even
denied His existence. Where is God? He needs to act!
Have you ever felt that way? Has there ever been a time in your
life when you cried out to God and He didn’t respond? You
needed His help, but it seemed as if He was no where to be
found. I think we can all relate with that sentiment. Like the
Psalmist we ask, “God, where are you? What are you doing? Do
you even care?”
Similar to most Lament Psalms, after presenting his complaint,
the Psalmist expresses his hope and his belief in God as his
Rock, Refuge and Rescuer. Notice several verses that move
from fear to faith and from uncertainty to a solid trust that God will
10:12 - Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up your hand; forget not the
The phrase, “Arise, O Lord” is an expression typical of psalms
sung at the beginning of war. The Psalmist is declaring his belief
that they are not alone in their battle. God fights for His people.
Since David is believed to be the author, some have suggested
that the enemy to whom David refers is King Saul. If it would
have been any other foe, David would have quickly and
powerfully acted. Saul, though, was God’s anointed, someone
against whom David did not want to act. Thus, he cried out to the
Lord asking Him to respond.
10:16 - The Lord is king forever and ever; the nations perish
from his land.
10:17, 18 - O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you
will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do
justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who
is of the earth may strike terror no more.
Did you hear the change of tone? The Psalmist is no longer
lamenting. He is no longer questioning. He has come to believe
that God has not avoided him, abandoned him or hiding from him.
God is fully aware of the actions of the wicked and the condition
of the oppressed. In His perfect time, He will respond with love,
justice and equity.
So the next time you feel as if God is playing Hide-and-Seek with
you, remember the words of Psalm 10. Be reminded of the fact
that God is fully aware of the atrocities that are taking place in our
world and the tribulations you are facing in your life. Allow the
words of this Psalm to increase your faith. Don’t question where
God is, rather cry out and ask Him to rise up on your behalf. After
all, He always hears the desires of the afflicted.
The Lord Is In His Holy Temple
September 20th, 2022
El Señor Está en Su Santo Templo
September 20th, 2022
Un Sedante Bíblico Para Una Noche De Insomnio Salmos 3 y 4
August 24th, 2022
Psalm 2: Where to turn when the world seems out of control?
August 24th, 2022
¡Cuán Glorioso Es Tu Nombre! Salmo 8
August 24th, 2022
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God Is Looking Down In Love Psalm 11Dios Está Mirando Hacia Abajo En El Amor Salmo 11Blogging A Través De Los SalmosHow Majestic Is Your Name! Psalm 8God Is My Stronghold Psalm 9:9-10Dios Es Mi Baluarte Salmo 9:9-10Salmo 1: Bendecido, Floreciente y FructíferoA Biblical Sedative for a Sleepless Night Psalms 3¡Cuán Glorioso Es Tu Nombre! Salmo 8Psalm 2: Where to turn when the world seems out of control?Un Sedante Bíblico Para Una Noche De Insomnio Salmos 3 y 4
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